30. Resources

30.1. Learning Python3

30.2. Programming skills

  • Software Carpentry provides nice lessons about writing software for science and do reproducible science.

30.2.1. Resources to learn the command shell


  • Under Windows, if you have installed Git for Windows, you have access to Git bash which provides a terminal with the bash shell and emulates many Unix commands.

  • Under Windows 10, Microsoft has recently made available the “Windows Subsystem for Linux”, which provides a virtual Linux system running inside Windows. (See https://itsfoss.com/install-bash-on-windows/, and https://itsfoss.com/windows-linux-kernel-wsl-2/).

  • Under MacOSX, when you open a terminal, you may be interacting withthe bash shell or the zsh shell (to know which, type echo $SHELL).

30.2.2. Resources to learn Git

To understand why you need to learn git, see Tools to do Reproducible Science

30.3. Books relevant to Cognitive and Brain Sciences Programming

  • Programming Visual Illusions for Everyone by Marco Bertamini:

  • Neural Data Science: A Primer with MATLAB and Python by von Erik Lee Nylen and Pascal Wallisch

  • Matlab for Brain and Cognitive Scientists and Analyzing neural time series data by Mike X Cohen

  • Python in Neuroscience

  • Modeling Psychophysical Data in R by Kenneth Knoblauch & Laurence T. Maloney

30.4. Stimulus/Experiment generation modules

30.5. Data analyses, Statistics in Python

30.6. Simulations